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Market Reports

Turkish Apricot Update 05/04/2022

Strong March shipments, bloom starts

  • Exports in March were 7,325 tons compared to 5,797 tons last month and 8,228 tons last year  
  • Year to date exports are 64,620 tons compared to 65,620 tons last year

Exports were remarkably strong for March. Year to date exports are only down 1.5% compared to last year despite average prices being 34% higher than last year. Prices for what little is available have increased over the past 2 weeks, supply is extremely tight.

The Lira is currently steady at 14.7 to the $ . Freight rates remain firm.

Bloom in underway in most areas of Malatya, currently the weather forecast is good. Bloom is 2 to 3 weeks later than usual, which may delay harvest. Lack of carryover is going to result in strong demand for early shipments again, and SO2 on early shipments is going to be high.