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Market Reports

Turkish Apricot Update 08/02/2022

Tight Supply Constrains Exports

  • Exports in January were 5,337 tons tons compared to 6,723 tons last year 
  • Year to date exports are 51,73 tons compared to 50,035 tons last year 

Exports are now slowing due to a lack of supply. We believe the crop is fully committed, though some supply may come back in to the market if packers cancel or postpone commitments to new crop as they did last year.

The Lira has been steady at 13.5 to the $ for the past month. The official inflation is now 48% in Turkey.

There have been a few small lots of size 4 and large traded this week in Malatya with prices continuing to increase. Nothing smaller than size 4 remains.

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