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Market Reports

Turkish Apricot Update 06/12/2023

  • Exports in November were 6,434 tons compared to 9,184 tons last year
  • Exports year to date are 25,135 tons compared to 32,743 tons last year, a drop of 23%
  • Average export price of whole apricots year to date is $6354/ton FOB compared to $5885 for the same period last year.

Exports are down 23% year to date which is in line with the reduction in overall supply which we estimate is 25 to 30% down on 2022 crop.

There has been no significant change in the price of sulphured apricots since harvest, prices remain 150,000 Turkish Lira in Malatya for most sizes for first class raw material, with a significant discount for blemished fruit. $ prices have decreased slightly with the gradual and controlled weakening of the Lira.

Buyers are mostly covering only a month or two ahead, and as a result of this, supply and demand seem fairly well matched. Packers are unwilling or unable to afford high interest credits, and as such are dipping in and out of the market as and when they need to cover shipments.

Natural apricots have moved into a significant premium over sulphured, after years of low prices for un sulphured, many farmers, in particular organic farmers, have given up on this product this year. Due to the lack of organic material many organic buyers have switched to conventional natural fruit. Natural raw material is almost sold out.

We don’t expect any significant changes in the market in the next few months up to the bloom in April, though clean raw material will become increasingly difficult to find, especially medium and smaller sizes.