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Market Reports

Almond Update 12/05/2020

Total shipments for April were 181 million pounds up just over 2% from last April of 177 million pounds.  New sales are 124 million pounds down 14.47 percent versus last year of 145 million pounds. Uncommitted inventory is up approximately 15% at 439 million pounds.  Total committed and shipped is 2.36 billion pounds bringing California to 93 percent sold and shipped of the 2019 crop.  Total marketable is just over 84 percent sold.

The initial subjective forecast for the 2020 California almond production is 3.0 billion pounds. Forecasted production is 17.6 percent above last year’s production of 2.55 billion pounds. Forecasted bearing acreage for 2020 is a record high of 1,260,000. Forecasted yield is 2,380 pounds per acre, 10.2 percent higher than the 2019 yield of 2,160 pounds per acre. The subjective production forecast is based on a telephone survey conducted from April 20 to May 6 from a sample of 500 almond growers.